WELCOME to Berthoud Snowfest 2021. Berthoud Main Street along with Snow Creations will be bringing the Town of Berthoud Multiple Professional snow sculpting teams and amateur high school teams to compete in this years event. This years event will include vendor booths, kids / family carving, caroling, tree lighting and the Santa parade. We request that you social distance when you can or wear a mask to protect yourself and others. If you have covid flu like symptoms, or have been exposed to someone with covid, we ask that you stay home. when visiting the sculptures at Fickel Park.
The Colorado Snow Sculpting competition will begin packing snow on Monday January 10th. Artists will begin carving their block on Wednesday January 12th and completing their sculptures Saturday morning January 15th at 10:00am. Berthoud Main Street will open voting for the peoples choice awards on Saturday January 15th at 10 am and voting will be open until 4pm. Each vote will be $1 that will be deposited into the teams bucket at the south end of the displays. Awards will be presented to the artists on Saturday evening, after we have tabulated all the votes.
We would like to encourage any visitors to downtown to also be sure to order some food for take home dining from our local downtown restaurants and to also visit our many downtown retailers for your holiday shopping needs. Let's keep our downtown economy and ourselves healthy.
THE PARADE WILL GO ON!!! DECEMBER 11th - 5:30pm. To register for the FREE parade, fill out this form The parade will begin at approximately 5:30pm down Mountain Ave starting at 2nd street and end at 8th Street. Santa will stop at Fickel Park to start the lights, and sing along caroling.
If you would like to sponsor a sculpting team, create a team, or be a vendor at the park or for just more information, please contact [email protected]
DECEMBER 11th - 5:30pm PARADE - SANTA - CAROLING at Fickel Park
SNOW SCULPTING COMPETITION (postponed til January 2022)
Mon-Tue January 10-11 - Snowpacking
Wednesday January 12th - Teams begin carving
Thursday January 13th - Carving
Friday January 14th - Carving
Saturday January 15th - 10:00am tools down - carving ends
10:00am judging
10:00am til 4:00pm - Vendor booths open in Fickel Park
10:00am til 4:00pm - People's choice voting
11:00am to ..... Kids / public - learn to carve using 5 gallon snow blocks
5:00pm - - Awards
January 15th - 21st - Sculptures will remain up - weather permitting -
*times are approximate and could change


First Place
Peoples Choice

Second Place
Peoples Choice

Fourth Place
Peoples Choice
Runner Up

Third Place
Peoples Choice
Runner Up

Fifth Place
Peoples Choice
Runner Up

Sixth Place
Peoples Choice

First Place
Peoples Choice

Second Place
Peoples Choice

Third Place
Peoples Choice

Fourth Place
Peoples Choice
The Berthoud Main Street, a local nonprofit organization, in cooperation with Snow Creations, a local nonprofit company, is pleased to organize this year’s Snow Sculpting Championship in Berthoud, Colorado. The event, which is open to the public, runs from Wednesday 8 December to Saturday 11 December, with the first part, Wednesday through Friday, dedicated to the actual carving of the snow sculptures, and Saturday dedicated to the judging and Awards Ceremony.
Currently we are planning to have 5 Professional Teams from all over Colorado and 4 Amateur Teams. We will also have vendor and sponsor booths set up in Fickel Park in downtown Berthoud on Saturday from 10am – 4pm,
If you want to sponsor a team or support this event, please contact us at [email protected]